Scotch Oakburn College Senior AM (Morning)
If you have any issues or feedback regarding any of these services, please don’t hesitate to let us know via our Contact Page.
The following services all apply for this school.
Newstead Schools Bus AM
All Schools along Elphin Road and Newstead including Scotch Senior and Elphin, Newstead College, Grammar, Preparatory Schools, Newstead Christian School (any student can catch)
Rowella / Deviot / Paper Beach / Gravelly Beach / Rosevears AM (Route 784)
Deviot, Paper Beach, Gravelly Beach, Lanena, Rosevears, West Tamar Highway to Launceston
Grindelwald and Legana subdivisions to Launceston (Echidna Bus) AM
Early morning service for Launceston schools, Launceston College & Newstead College terminating at Margaret Street, Launceston. (This bus then to travels to all Newstead schools and departs from outside the Launceston College Purple Arches at 08:11am)
Winkleigh / Glengarry / Bridgenorth to Launceston AM
Winkleigh Road, Glengarry Road, Frankford Road, Long Plains Road, Bridgenorth Road, Kavala Street, Acropolis Drive, West Tamar Highway to Launceston, Margaret Street (Outside Neil Buckby Motors).